Introducing DI’s newest performance program, DIMENSION!
What is dimension?
Dimension is a group of students ages 5-18 who want additional performance opportunities beyond our two full-studio productions. Dimension represents the studio in the community and performs at various events throughout the year. Dimension is a Musical Theatre troupe, which means they sing, act, and of course, dance!
What is the time commitment?
Students participate in one weekly rehearsal (Thursday evenings over the summer, Saturday afternoons for the regular school year) and can sign up to participate in as many community performances as they wish. Dimension is also featured in our winter and spring showcase performances.
Dimension is a full year commitment (August - June for the school year session and June - July for the summer session).
What is the financial commitment?
Monthly tuition: Your hour-long Dimension rehearsal counts toward your total number of hours for tuition. This is billed as part of your full tuition amount on the 25th of each month.
Technique class: Dimension members MUST be enrolled in at least one technique class — ballet, jazz, or tap. We highly recommend taking multiple styles, as the more you know, the more we can perform! Dimension rehearsals are not focused on learning technique, they are for setting and rehearsing routines for performance.
Yearly membership fee: A yearly membership fee of $100 is required for each member. This covers your performance top, a Dimension t-shirt, and helps us cover administrative costs related to the program.
Dancers who are also part of any competition team will have a reduced membership fee of $50. The performance tops that are used for competition are also used for Dimension, so this covers your Dimension t-shirt and administrative costs.
Depending on the performance, there may be additional costs related to parking or tickets to attend (for example, Pacers/Fever games require parents to purchase a ticket to attend). We are not able to estimate these costs in advance, but will communicate them with families as soon as details are provided.
Can I participate in dimension and di company?
Absolutely! We will do our best to schedule rehearsals and performances so that students are able to participate in both programs if they wish. DI Company and Dimension are both great ways to make friends, strengthen your performance skills, and spread the joy of dance throughout our community!
How do I sign up?
Register through the parent portal by selecting the appropriate rehearsal for your dancer’s age group! Tuition will automatically calculate as part of your total hours.
Membership fees will be added separately to your account and will be charged to the card on file within a week of your registration. (These have to be added manually.) If you participate in both the summer and school year session, the membership fee will only be charged at the beginning of the summer session.